
We engage, educate, and empower individuals and their families in drug and alcohol prevention. We serve as a community resource to advance youth prevention, find necessary support, and promote community collaboration while creating awareness. We are proactive in our work. We choose not to let others define us by being silent.

“We are all broken…that is how the light gets in.” - Hemingway

The two most important risk factors are genetics and the age at which a person starts to use drugs/alcohol. The younger the person, the more vulnerable the brain.   Scientists estimate that genetics accounts for roughly half a person’s likelihood of developing SUD.  So, sharing with our children whether or not they are genetically vulnerable could be a life-altering conversation.  Prevention education is creating a new social norm that ALL TEENS DON’T use drugs and alcohol and that delaying use for all youth is the safest path.   

Our community can rally around our youth and help support delaying use, understanding that substance use disorder comes in different shapes, sizes, drug of choice/alcohol, and frequency and that when someone does find they need help, do they know where to look for support?  The message starts with each of us talking with our children to support the community.  

Community Living Above (CLA), whose original name was West Linn Community Task Force, came together in 2011 when parents expressed concerns about teen drug/alcohol use.

Today, CLA is led by a volunteer board of directors and prevention coalition members representing various community sectors to educate youth and families about substance use prevention and support.

Substance use disorder and many mental health concerns are insidious – they proceed gradually and subtly, but with harmful effects, many life-altering. So, in the same incremental way, there is no quick fix or solution to substance use/mental health disorders.

Substance use disorders aren’t adult or youth problems but human problems. It’s complicated and important that communities come together to bring awareness and understand what prevention, intervention, acute treatment needs, and aftercare/recovery could look like in communities where individuals and families feel safe to share their experiences and receive support.

Community sector collaboration to engage, educate, and empower individuals and their families to embrace preventing or mitigating substance use/mental health disorders.  

  • When help, support, and resources are needed, we can assist: where to look and walk alongside individuals and families that need help.

  • We reduce shame and stigma by sharing our stories and encouraging others to share theirs.

  • Bring hope by paying what we’ve learned forward.

Our vision is to work alongside community members, businesses, schools, city, county, and state organizations to find resources to support our community.

  • Supporting local community members and sectors: connecting and providing Information, education, and resources.

  • Enhance skills: Workshops, seminars, or activities designed to increase the skills of participants, members, and staff (e.g., training and technical assistance, parenting classes, strategic planning retreats, and model programs in schools).

  • Provide Support: Creating opportunities for participation in activities that reduce risk or enhance protection (e.g., alternative activities, mentoring, referrals for service, support groups, and youth clubs).

Thank you to the volunteer Board of Directors, Teen Advisory Board, and community members who tirelessly fight to bring awareness, education, resources, and support to nearby communities. Prevention work has an amazing ripple effect; the benefits can be felt forever. This poem is dedicated to YOU – the People in the Arena!!!
